College of Education, Nursing and Health Professions



运动科学学士学位将为您在运动医学领域的各种令人兴奋的职业生涯做好准备, 个人培训, and strength and conditioning coaching. You'll also be prepared for graduate study in areas such as physical therapy, 体育训练, clinical exercise physiology, 运动机能学, 公共卫生.






运动科学是一个不断发展的健康领域,它帮助人们提高和保持身体健康, health and quality of life. 运动科学学士学位将为您在运动医学领域的各种令人兴奋的职业生涯做好准备, 个人培训, and strength and conditioning coaching. You’ll also be prepared for graduate study in areas such as physical therapy, 体育训练, clinical exercise physiology, 运动机能学, 公共卫生.


Exercise Science students with treadmill and metabolic cart

The Exercise Science program combines classroom, laboratory and internship experiences 这会让你对身体健康、体能和人类表现有一个全面的了解. You will learn how to recognize and assess metabolic/physical, cardiovascular and pulmonary functions, 为客户设计和实施治疗方案,改善他们的身体素质和健康.

You’ll also participate in internships designed to promote career readiness or preparation for graduate education 在运动医学,力量和调节,个人训练和临床研究等领域. As a UHart student, you’ll have opportunities to work with the University’s 体育团队 在这些Internships中.

完成B后.S. 运动科学, you’ll be qualified to sit for exams for professional certification through several organizations listed below. B.S. 运动科学 is also the undergraduate pathway to the combined BS/Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree program at the 立博体育官网.  

运动科学学士 and MS in Athletic Training

立博体育官网和圣心大学为有运动训练职业目标的学生提供一个联合项目. 完成运动科学学士学位的UHart学生,累积平均绩点(GPA)为3分.0或更高, meet pre-requisite requirements, 并在注册运动教练的指导下完成至少10-15小时的观察, 会自动被圣心大学运动训练硕士录取吗. Those with a GPA of less than 3.0 will be reviewed and may be accepted on a space-available basis.


B.S. 运动科学 is a 120-credit program. A sample of courses is listed below; see the 课程目录 for the complete list of requirements.

A minimum overall GPA of 2.7 is required for continued enrollment and completion of the program. pre-DPT课程的学生需要保持以下gpa成绩.0 overall and in science courses by the end of semester three, 3.1 overall and in science courses by the end of semester five, 3.2 overall and in science courses by the end of semester seven. 不符合这些要求的学生将失去直接进入DPT课程的资格,但可以留在本科课程中完成B.S. 运动科学.



  • 生物学入门I
  • 大学化学1、2
  • 解剖学 & 生理学I、II
  • Electricity and the Body
  • Mechanics, Heat, and the Body
  • 医学微生物学



  • Introduction to Exercise Science I, II
  • CPR /急救
  • 公共卫生
  • Statistics for Exercise Science
  • 运动营养
  • 功能解剖学
  • 强度 & 调节
  • 电机控制
  • 运动生理学
  • 伤护理 & 预防
  • Career Readiness Internship I, II
  • 运动处方
  • Clinical Exercise Testing

General Education Requirements

General Education Requirements total 43 credits and include:

  • 学术写作一、二
  • Business and Professional Communication
  • Introduction to Psychology
  • Ethics in the Professions


Exercise science zero gravity

美国.S. 美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)预计健身教练的就业将大幅增长(10%)。, exercise physiologists (13%), and athletic trainers (23%) through 2026.

对运动科学从业者的需求预计将保持强劲.S. population ages and the desire to remain physically active continues to grow. 对专门从事老年护理的医疗保健提供者的需求也在增长. 我们的项目包括特殊人群运动处方和当地积极生活计划社区Internships等课程, preparing students to work with this important population.

Our 首页 - 赫西中心

弗朗西斯十世. Nancy Hursey高级工程和健康专业中心于2021年秋季开放,为我们的运动科学项目提供了宽敞的新设施. 看一看!

The 运动生理学 Lab contains 1,900 square feet of classroom and lab space with treadmills, 健身自行车, 划船机, a Biodex to measure muscle strength, and a DXA for measuring body composition.

The adjacent strength and conditioning lab provides 1,300 square feet of space with power racks, 权重, 史密斯的机器, and a TRX suspension trainer.

运动生理学实验室的反重力跑步机使个人能够以较低的体重百分比行走或跑步,并且康复时疼痛更少. It is beneficial for anyone suffering a knee, ankle, leg or foot injury.


Treadmills with metabolic carts are used to measure oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide production, resting energy expenditure, 微小的通风.

Lab equipment includes wearable metabolic devices, 哪一种方法可以在实验室和现场环境中收集最大耗氧量和无氧阈值的数据.



As part of the Exercise Science major, you’ll complete a career readiness internship based on your career goals. Internships may include:

  • 运动医学与有执照的物理治疗师合作,为整个州的青少年运动队设计和实施伤害预防计划.
  • 科学探究与一名教师导师一起完成一项研究项目,最终产生一项学术成果.
  • 个人培训: In conjunction with community partners and the wellness center at UHart, 你将设计和实施团体健身课程和个性化的个人训练计划.
  • 强度 and conditioning:在UHart的认证力量和体能教练的监督下, you will work with the University’s 体育团队.
  • Introduction to 体育训练: Working with a Certified Athletic Trainer at UHart, you will gain experience with the University’s 体育团队.

Professional Certifications

完成B后.S. 运动科学, 你将有资格通过各个国家协会的专业认证.


  • 美国运动医学学院(ACSM) -注册运动生理学家(CEP)
  • 美国运动医学学院(ACSM) -注册私人教练(CPT)
  • 美国运动医学学院(ACSM) -运动是医学证书(EIM)
  • ACSM/American Cancer Society – Certified Cancer Exercise Trainer (CET)
  • ACSM/National Center on Health, 体能活动与残疾-认证全纳健身教练(CIFT)
  • ACSM/国家体育活动协会——公共卫生体育活动专家
  • 国家力量和调节协会-认证力量和调节专家(CSCS)
  • 国家力量和体能协会-认证特殊人群专家(CSPS)
  • 国家力量和体能协会(NSCA) -认证私人教练(NSCA- cpt)
  • 国家力量与体能协会(NSCA) -战术力量与体能促进者(TSAC-F)


从9月下旬开始,对第一年的申请进行滚动审查. 学生应该完成大学预科高中课程,包括数学和科学课程. For students planning to apply to the combined BS/DPT track, you should complete high school courses in biology, 化学, 物理, and mathematics with an A or B grade point average. 

问题? Contact the Office of 入学 at
860.768.4296 or


Assistant Professor of Exercise Science and Program Director




健康科学课程为您在健康相关领域(如职业治疗)的专业或研究生学习做好准备, 言语病理学, 或者公共卫生. The program is also available as a minor.



我们的课程准备你作为一个呼吸治疗师的工作与所有年龄的病人, from premature infants to older adults, 在这个高科技领域, 个性化的职业生涯.

Making a difference is the ultimate reward.